Thursday, July 17, 2014

ZymaDerm: Can It Help Cure Genital Warts?

Did you know that as stated by the NHS, genital warts are the second most common type of Sexually Transmitted Infection after chlamydia? Its prevalence though does not make it any less frustrating for the one who suffers through it.

A viral skin infection caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), it is usually painless and harmless to health but unfortunately enough, being highly contagious and unsightly in appearance, it can significantly disrupt your sexual life thereby , becoming a major factor responsible for the psychological distress thus caused.

Thankfully though, there are various over-the-counter topical treatments that claim to provide relief from the symptoms of this bothering STI. However, considering there are so many on market, choosing one sure shot solution can be difficult and therefore, for convenience of those looking for an effective product, we introduce to you natural ZymaDerm, a one stop solution that along with providing relief from common, plantar and flat warts, also takes care of genital warts!

Read further to know more on how it can help you with the same.

•For those not willing to undergo the risky surgical procedures, this product offers for a perfect painless approach to provide relief against bothersome symptoms of most types of warts (including genital).

•It shrinks to diminish the appearance of warts thereby, aiding you to get on with your daily activities without any embarrassment that these unsightly growths otherwise cause.

•Best part though is that it is a tested solution that is clinically proven to eliminate all types of warts.

•What’s more? It is a safe to use solution formulated with a potential blend of natural ingredients and hence is deemed safe to use. However, you must check the list of ingredients to make sure you are not allergic to any. Also, to further ensure safety it is important to understand it is strictly a topical solution and thus, not fit for consumption. Also, avoid contact with eyes.

•Another best feature, it is extremely easy to apply as it comes with an applicator brush to ensure accuracy. All you need to do is apply 3 to 4 times a day until the unpleasant growths start to disappear.

More Information on Our site :

Monday, June 16, 2014

5 Things to Do When You Need Wart Removal Treatment

No matter what kind of wart you are suffering against, it is usually embarrassing and irritating to deal with the symptoms. That constant feeling of discomfort, itching and scar can make you look for wart removal treatments desperately.

However, it will not be right to apply whatever you can get hands on. And although there are many solution available online, it will come down to choosing the most effective and safer one. Plus you will also need some prevention and care tips for it.

1.The first and most important thing will be to avoid direct physical contact, especially in the case of genital warts. Sexual abstinence is often the best way to protect your partner from potential risk. The virus transfer and affects the host very quickly.

2.You can also buy ZymaDerm or a similar homeopathic and herbal treatment to deal with all kinds of warts. Such options are free from aggressive chemicals and can help inhibiting symptoms of warts. You should ideally apply these topical solutions two to three times a day to strengthen natural immunity against the virus.

3.Till the wart signs go off your body completely, it will be helpful not to use public toilets and showers. Immunity against virus is low at this time and you should not test it further.  

4.Did you know that people who smoke are at higher risks of infection and re-infection after that? In fact the effects of wart removal treatments are less in smokers and they take a lot of time before getting treated. Smoking actually damages your immunity.

5.Keeping your skin healthy can boost up treatment process and even prevent future infection risks. You should keep skin moisturised, eat nutritious food and apply sunscreen before stepping into the sun. Also try to keep your skin free from cuts.   

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Get relief from genital warts itching through natural topical solution

The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes warts, which can appear in small, white, beige, or brown skin growths which can occur anywhere on the body such as mouth, anus and genitals and on moist mucous membranes. While there are more than 70 types of HPV, only two types are known to cause genital warts. Some cause small, painless, rough warts which appear on fingers and face, while some others cause larger, painful, flatter plantar warts which grow on the soles of the feet.  It is important to know that over 25 types of HPV can infect the skin covering genitals and the opening of anus which cause genital warts. To get relief from genital warts itching symptom, you must firstly get aware of all the symptoms and treatment options available.

Genital warts - common symptoms:
1.These warts can appear as single or in a group
2.Usually appear pink in colour, painless growths with a rough cauliflower-like surface
3.These warts may or may not cause itching
4.In men, they appear on the tip of the penis, opening of the urethra, and around skin near anus.
5.In women, warts appear at the posterior opening of the vagina and on the labia, which is the lip-like fold of skin around the vagina.

Topical solution for genital warts:
Zymaderm treatment for warts is a topical solution which comes with natural ingredients which are mild yet effective developed to reduce the symptoms such as pain, irritation and itching caused by the warts. Without having to take tablets or undergo risky surgery, you can simply apply this solution 3-4 times a day to shrink and eliminate all types of warts, including genital warts. The clinically-proven solution is intended to provide you the required relief without leaving you embarrassed like other methods.

Better Idea : Watch your diet to treat genital warts effectively and quickly

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Watch your diet to treat genital warts effectively and quickly

Genital warts are one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. Despite being common, there is no cure available for the infection. As it is caused by human papilloma virus, there is no medicine available for taking out the virus from the body. You can just reduce the symptoms of infection using topical creams like ZymaDerm for Warts. This natural treatment is very effective in eliminating warts from genital and anal region.

However, as warts outbreak can be triggered by weak immunity, there are some foods that can boost immune system to speed up the healing process and prevent frequent outbreaks. Keeping a close eye on your diet can help you treat the warts quickly. In fact, there are some foods that you should completely avoid during warts outbreak as they aggravate the problem.

Do eat

  • Eat garlic as it contains allicin, which is a powerful antimicrobial that kills viruses. Although the best way to include garlic in your diet is by taking it raw as a tablet with water, it can also be used as crushed paste in sauces and cooking vegetables.
  • Include olives, olive oil and olive leaves in your diet. Olives are rich source essential fatty acids and phytochemicals that are known for their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Eat antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables for genital warts relief.

Don’t eat

  • Avoid eating nuts like almonds, cashews and pistachios as they contain high levels of arginine that is known for increasing the severity of warts.
  • Peanuts, sunflower seeds, and wheat germ seeds must also be avoid as they increase frequency, duration and severity of genital wart flare-ups.
  • Stay away from dairy products like cheese and yogurt during warts outbreak as they are rich source of arginine.
  • Avoid sea food, particularly fish such as snapper, salmon and catfish as they have high amount of arginine.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Some simple tips for preventing cold sore outbreak

Cold sores are fluid-filled lesions that occur around the mouth. These blisters are caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 that can be transmitted from one person to another. Once the virus enters the body of a person it stays there dormant till a trigger activates the outbreak. As per experts, it is almost impossible to completely avoid the skin infection; one can only reduce the frequency and duration of outbreaks. Hence, it becomes more important to prevent an outbreak from occurring. Here are some tips that can help prevent cold sore outbreak:

#Tip 1: Protect yourself from sun exposure

Sun exposure for long duration can activate the dormant herpes virus; hence it is essential to protect yourself from sun. Apply sunblock on your lips and face to prevent outbreaks. Even if you aren’t stepping out in the sun, apply sunscreen. Pick a sunscreen with SPF at least 15, anything above that is good for protection against sun.

#Tip 2: Stay away from an infected person

Herpes simplex virus type 1 spreads via skin-to-skin contact and it also gets activated by it, hence one of the best ways to prevent it is to avoid contact with people having a cold sore outbreak. Completely avoid sharing personal items with others, even with those who don’t have visible sores.

#Tip 3: Apply topical cream

As soon as you get a tingling, apply ZymaDerm for Cold Sores to delay the infection. This topical treatment not only delays the outbreak, but it also relieves the pain. If you start using the cream before outbreak occurs you can reduce discomfort to a large extent.

#Tip 4: Include lysine in your diet

If you are infected by HSV, you should eat food rich in lysine as it is believed to slow the growth and replication of the herpes virus. Fish, chicken, eggs, dairy products and fruits are rich source of lysine.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Genital Warts in men - Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatments

Genital warts, caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), are one of the most commonly transmitted sexual infections. Genital warts are small, fleshy, pink or skin-coloured bumps that form in the genital areas of both men and women. Genital warts in men are unusual but when they do occur they appear on the tip of the penis, and also on the shaft. They can also appear on the scrotum or around the anus. It may be noted that warts may spread to the anal area without anal sex as a cause. Sometimes, warts can even occur in and around the mouth and throat of those who have indulged in oral sex with an infected person.

The only way to prevent genital warts from occurring is to not have direct contact with those infected. Although various treatments for genital warts are available, the symptoms tend to recur. It is important to seek out treatment for genital warts and completed before further sexual contact.

Many warts are not visible to the naked eye. Doctor or health workers may resort to applying a vinegar-like solution which may make genital warts to turn white. But an internal examination of the anus would be required to check for hidden warts. If you have had sexual contact with person suffering from HPV, even if you have not developed any visible warts, it is advised to seek medical help.

Treatment for genital warts depends on size and location of occurrence. Cryosurgery (freezing them off), electrocautery (burning them off) or laser treatments and other solutions are available to treat this condition. Many anti-virus drugs are also available to treat genital warts. There are certain natural options too such as Wartrol UK which is being brought to you by SexualPerformanceTotal. This naturally-formulated spray is easy-to-use and can be taken orally too. To make application easy, the bottle comes with an applicator brush so that you can apply it directly to the affected area. By applying 2-6 times a day, Wartrol UK can help you deal with genital warts.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Most Common myths on Genital Warts in Men

Genital warts might be one of the most common sexual infections caused by a virus but awareness somewhere below the required levels. While internet serves as an excellent medium for information on symptoms, causes and treatment on genital warts in men, it is a double-edged medium that spreads myths with equal efficiency. I came across some of the myths and decided on busting them once and for all.

It is not actually a myth but just half part of information. Genital warts can go away due to body’s immune fight with the virus but the situation can also worsen at times. In fact, in many cases they come back in just a few days if not taken care of. Furthermore, some men are more likely to develop the condition that’s where treatment is important.

While there are plenty of drug options to reduce the severity of symptoms, you can also find natural or herbal products in the market like Wartrol UK. Different countries have home pathetic relievers made with traditional knowledge to help body make them go away.

This myth has burnt several homes but there is no way that only casual sex with numerous partners leads to warts. Tragically enough, HPV is still one of the mysterious microorganisms and can stay latent for many months. Therefore, do not base your judge on just one factor.

When it comes to genital warts in men, they seem to be ignorant of common problematic areas too. It is true that warts may appear on penis but groin area, testicles, area around anus and thighs can also get infected. Look for the symptoms and then for treatment options.